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American Bone Marrow Donor Registry (www.abmdr.org) Affiliate: Caitlin Raymond International Donor Registry

Update Your file Donor Search Coordinating Center:
Caitlin Raymond International Donor Registry

Umass Memorial Health Care
55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655
Telephone: (508)334-8969, (800)726-2824
Fax: (508)334-5107
Website: www.crir.org e-mail: info@crir.org

Cord Blood Donation

Please advise all of your friends, children, and grandchildren etc. to donate the cord blood from the birth of any child to a “cord bank.” This is normally discarded, but it is the richest source of stem cells that can be programmed to help many illnesses. Please ask your doctor for information as to where this cord blood can be donated. A kit will be sent to you by the center chosen for the delivery of the cord blood.


The probability of finding an allogeneic match is 20,000 to 1. We have over 12,000 persons in our database. It is essential that we enlarge this pool of prospective donors. Please help us fund donor drives by sending your Chapter, or personal donation to:

Ahepa MDR
Donor Activity Headquarters
3701 Algonquin Road, Suite 750
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

Ahepa Marrow Donor Registry

Ahepa MDR
Donor Activity Headquarters
3701 Algonquin Road, Suite 750
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

Donations can also be made In Memory Of, or, In Living Tribute to a friend or relative.

AHEPA Marrow.org
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